var rpress_scripts; jQuery(document).ready(function($) { // Hide un-necessary elements. These are things that are required in case JS breaks or isn't present $('.rpress-no-js').hide(); //Hide delivery error when switch tabs $('body').on('click', '.rpress-delivery-options li.nav-item', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).parents('.rpress-delivery-wrap').find('.rpress-order-time-error').addClass('hide'); }); // Show the login form on the checkout page $('#rpress_checkout_form_wrap').on('click', '.rpress_checkout_register_login', function() { var $this = $(this), payment_form = $('#rpress_payment_mode_select_wrap,#rpress_purchase_form_wrap'); ajax_loader = ''; data = { action: $'action') }; payment_form.hide(); // Show the ajax loader $this.html($this.html() + ajax_loader); $.post(rpress_scripts.ajaxurl, data, function(checkout_response) { $('#rpress_checkout_login_register').html(rpress_scripts.loading); $('#rpress_checkout_login_register').html(checkout_response); // Hide the ajax loader $('.rpress-cart-ajax').hide(); //Show the payment form if( data.action == 'rpress_checkout_register' ); }); return false; }); // Process the login form via ajax $(document).on('click', '#rpress_purchase_form #rpress_login_fields input[type=submit]', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var complete_purchase_val = $(this).val(); $(this).val(rpress_global_vars.purchase_loading); $(this).after(''); var data = { action: 'rpress_process_checkout_login', rpress_ajax: 1, rpress_user_login: $('#rpress_login_fields #rpress_user_login').val(), rpress_user_pass: $('#rpress_login_fields #rpress_user_pass').val() }; $.post(rpress_global_vars.ajaxurl, data, function(data) { if ( $.trim(data) == 'success' ) { $('.rpress_errors').remove(); window.location = rpress_scripts.checkout_page; } else { $('#rpress_login_fields input[type=submit]').val(complete_purchase_val); $('.rpress-loading-ajax').remove(); $('.rpress_errors').remove(); $('#rpress-user-login-submit').before(data); } }); }); // Load the fields for the $this payment method $('select#rpress-gateway, input.rpress-gateway').change(function(e) { var payment_mode = $('#rpress-gateway option:selected, input.rpress-gateway:checked').val(); if (payment_mode == '0') { return false; } rpress_load_gateway(payment_mode); return false; }); // Auto load first payment gateway if (rpress_scripts.is_checkout == '1') { var chosen_gateway = false; var ajax_needed = false; if ($('select#rpress-gateway, input.rpress-gateway').length) { chosen_gateway = $("meta[name='rpress-chosen-gateway']").attr('content'); ajax_needed = true; } if (!chosen_gateway) { chosen_gateway = rpress_scripts.default_gateway; } if ( ajax_needed ) { // If we need to ajax in a gateway form, send the requests for the POST. setTimeout(function() { rpress_load_gateway(chosen_gateway); }, 200); } else { // The form is already on page, just trigger that the gateway is loaded so further action can be taken. $('body').trigger('rpress_gateway_loaded', [chosen_gateway]); } } // Process checkout $(document).on('click', '#rpress_purchase_form #rpress_purchase_submit [type=submit]', function(e) { var rpressPurchaseform = document.getElementById('rpress_purchase_form'); if (typeof rpressPurchaseform.checkValidity === "function" && false === rpressPurchaseform.checkValidity()) { return; } e.preventDefault(); var complete_purchase_val = $(this).val(); $(this).val(rpress_global_vars.purchase_loading); $(this).prop('disabled', true); $(this).after(''); $.post(rpress_global_vars.ajaxurl, $('#rpress_purchase_form').serialize() + '&action=rpress_process_checkout&rpress_ajax=true', function(data) { if ( $.trim(data) == 'success' ) { $('.rpress_errors').remove(); $('.rpress-error').hide(); $(rpressPurchaseform).submit(); } else { $('#rpress-purchase-button').val(complete_purchase_val); $('.rpress-loading-ajax').remove(); $('.rpress_errors').remove(); $('.rpress-error').hide(); $(rpress_global_vars.checkout_error_anchor).before(data); $('#rpress-purchase-button').prop('disabled', false); $(document.body).trigger('rpress_checkout_error', [data]); } }); }); // Update state field $( document.body ).on( 'change', '#rpress_cc_address input.card_state, #rpress_cc_address select, #rpress_address_country', update_state_field ); function update_state_field() { var $this = $(this); var $form; var is_checkout = typeof rpress_global_vars !== 'undefined'; var field_name = 'card_state'; if ($(this).attr('id') == 'rpress_address_country') { field_name = 'rpress_address_state'; } if ('card_state' != $this.attr('id')) { // If the country field has changed, we need to update the state/province field var postData = { action: 'rpress_get_states', country: $this.val(), field_name: field_name, }; $.ajax({ type : "POST", data : postData, url : rpress_scripts.ajaxurl, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, success: function(response) { if (is_checkout) { $form = $("#rpress_purchase_form"); } else { $form = $this.closest("form"); } var state_inputs = 'input[name="card_state"], select[name="card_state"], input[name="rpress_address_state"], select[name="rpress_address_state"]'; if ('nostates' == $.trim(response)) { var text_field = ''; $form.find(state_inputs).replaceWith(text_field); } else { $form.find(state_inputs).replaceWith(response); } if (is_checkout) { $(document.body).trigger('rpress_cart_billing_address_updated', [response]); } } }).fail(function(data) { if (window.console && window.console.log) { console.log(data); } }).done(function(data) { if (is_checkout) { recalculate_taxes(); } }); } else { if (is_checkout) { recalculate_taxes(); } } return false; } // If is_checkout, recalculate sales tax on postalCode change. $( document.body ).on( 'change', '#rpress_cc_address input[name=card_zip]', function() { if ( typeof rpress_global_vars !== 'undefined' ) { recalculate_taxes(); } }); $("#rpressModal").on('', function(){ $('').remove(); }); }); // Load a payment gateway function rpress_load_gateway(payment_mode) { // Show the ajax loader jQuery('.rpress-cart-ajax').show(); jQuery('#rpress_purchase_form_wrap').html(''); var url = rpress_scripts.ajaxurl; if (url.indexOf('?') > 0) { url = url + '&'; } else { url = url + '?'; } url = url + 'payment-mode=' + payment_mode;, { action : 'rpress_load_gateway', rpress_payment_mode : payment_mode }, function(response) { jQuery('#rpress_purchase_form_wrap').html(response); jQuery('.rpress-no-js').hide(); jQuery('body').trigger('rpress_gateway_loaded', [payment_mode]); }); }